πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½ day-plan


Every session begins with an energiser. Usually there’s a rota showing who will lead the energiser. We have some favourite games you can play if you are stuck.

  1. Traffic Jam: re-order the cars to unblock yourself
  2. Telephone: draw the words and write the pictures
  3. Popcorn show and tell: popcorn around the room and show one nearby object or something in your pocket or bag and explain what it means to you.


Morning Break

A quick break of fifteen minutes so we can all concentrate on the next piece of work.


Importance of helping each other

Learning Objectives


Trainees need to do the prep before this session.

Facilitators to print bingo (one card per person).


This session will identify the ways that people help each other in CYF and why CYF graduates look for jobs together when they have completed the course.


🎯 Goal: Explore experiences of being helped and helping others during the CYF journey thus far. (30 minutes)

  • Facilitator hands out bingo cards to each participant.
  • Participants move around the room and mark off the bingo block when they find someone that has had the experience noted in the bingo block.
  • The first person to have a Bingo line (blocks marked off in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line)Β  shouts out β€˜Bingo’ and the game stops. If no-one has Bingo in 20 minutes of playing the game, the game stops.

A few participants can share their experiences of being helped or helping others in the CYF community.

πŸͺ€ Discuss an app

Learning Objectives

This week you’re building small UI components/apps using DOM manipulation. The aim of this session is to get together in groups and discuss strategy and implementation for the week’s backlog issues.

🧰 Setup

  1. You’ll need to get into groups of no more than three

  2. Choose one of the “Build a …” issues e.g. “Build a slideshow app” from your JS2 Week 3 backlog. It can be an app that one of you have already started or one that you’d all like to tackle together during this session.

  3. Have one person in your group share their screen.

  4. As a group, you’ll have to discuss your strategy and implementation for your chosen issue. Remember to use the acceptance criteria to check your progress.


Learning Objectives

Community Lunch

Every Saturday we cook and eat together. We share our food and our stories. We learn about each other and the world. We build community.

This is everyone’s responsibility, so help with what is needed to make this happen, for example, organising the food, setting up the table, washing up, tidying up, etc. You can do something different every week. You don’t need to be constantly responsible for the same task.


Study Group

What are we doing now?

You’re going to use this time to work through coursework. Your cohort will collectively self-organise to work through the coursework together in your own way. Sort yourselves into groups that work for you.

Use this time wisely

You will have study time in almost every class day. Don’t waste it. Use it to:

  • work through the coursework
  • ask questions and get unblocked
  • give and receive code review
  • work on your portfolio
  • develop your own projects


πŸ›ŽοΈ Code waiting for review πŸ”—

Below are trainee coursework Pull Requests that need to be reviewed by volunteers.

Move test related content to lookup.test.js πŸ”—

What does this change?

It fixes an inconsistency in the project structure by moving the test case from lookup.js to lookup.test.js, aligning with the established pattern of having tests in separate files.

Common Content?

  • Block/s

Common Theme?

  • Yes

Issue number: #378

Org Content?



Who needs to know about this?


Start a review
Add recommended VS Code extensions πŸ”—

What does this change?

This PR introduces a curated list of recommended Visual Studio Code extensions to the module. The aim is to standardize the development environment for all trainees, ensuring they have access to essential tools and features that enhance their learning experience, and save our mentors’ time and energy.

Common Content?

This change does not directly modify the common content shared across modules but provides an essential resource that complements the existing curriculum. It ensures that all trainees, regardless of their module, have a consistent set of tools at their disposal.

  • Block/s

Common Theme?

  • Yes

Issue number: #368

Org Content?



Who needs to know about this?


Start a review
NW6 | Sabella Fisseha | JS2 Alarm-Clock App | WEEK 3 πŸ”—

Learners, PR Template

Self checklist

  • I have committed my files one by one, on purpose, and for a reason
  • I have tested my changes
  • My changes follow the style guide
  • My changes meet the requirements of this task


Briefly explain your PR.


Ask any questions you have for your reviewer.

Start a review
NW6 | Rabia Avci | JS2 Module | [TECH ED]Complete week 2 exercises | Week 2 πŸ”—

Learners, PR Template

Self checklist

  • I have committed my files one by one, on purpose, and for a reason
  • I have tested my changes
  • My changes follow the style guide
  • My changes meet the requirements of this task


Briefly explain your PR.


Ask any questions you have for your reviewer.

Start a review
NW-6 | Zeliha Pala | JS2| [TECH ED] Slideshow| WEEK-4 πŸ”—

Learners, PR Template

Self checklist

  • I have committed my files one by one, on purpose, and for a reason
  • I have tested my changes
  • My changes follow the style guide
  • My changes meet the requirements of this task


Briefly explain your PR.


Ask any questions you have for your reviewer.

Start a review
See more pull requests

Afternoon Break

Please feel comfortable and welcome to pray at this time if this is part of your religion.

If you are breastfeeding and would like a private space, please let us know.


πŸ«±πŸΏβ€πŸ«²πŸΎ Pair up

Learning Objectives

For the final week of this module, you will need to work in pairs to build an application from scratch.

Use this time to setup and plan your work together for next week.

🧰 Setup

  1. You’ll need to split up into pairs with someone you can work with over the final week of this module. Double check you will have availability to work together during the week.

  2. Together in your pairs, you’ll have 2 options:

Option 1

Choose an app from the backlog that you can work on together from scratch. E.g. alarmclock app.

Option 2

Choose a project brief from the from the dom-app projects section.

  1. Read the project brief carefully

  2. Create a user story for the chosen project brief and sketch out one acceptance criterion based on the description in the project brief. This workshop will guide you on coming up with user stories and acceptance criteria.

⏲️ Availability

In your pairs, discuss your availability and then agree on times to meet up during next week to work on your app together.


Learning Objectives

Retro: Start / Stop / Continue

Retro (20 minutes)

A retro is a chance to reflect on this past sprint. You can do this on a Jamboard (make sure someone clicks “Make a copy” before you start, and you work on that together) or on sticky notes on a wall.

  1. Set a timer for 5 minutes.
  2. Write down as many things as you can think of that you’d like to start, stop, and continue doing next sprint.
  3. Write one point per note and keep it short.
  4. When the timer goes off, one person should set a timer for 1 minute and group the notes into themes.
  5. Next, set a timer for 2 minutes and all vote on the most important themes by adding a dot or a +1 to the note.
  6. Finally, set a timer for 8 minutes and all discuss the top three themes.
